White Russian Records started in 2005, when releasing the Spastik Spankers album. Some compilations followed, named Change The Station, and eventually an EP of Discourse Avenue. The band broke up shortly after the release, and one of the two founding members of White Russian decided to quit.
Fast forward from 2008 to 2011.
Roelof started White Russian Bookings, and Eelco heard the new record of Long Way Down. One and one makes two, and White Russian started off again. Almost ten years later we’ve released over a hundred records and worked with great bands and other labels. We (co)released albums of bands as March, Slow Crush, Call It Off, I against I, Travoltas, St Plaster, FFOOSS and The Kendolls – to name a few.
We like to see ourselves as not just a regular label. No deal is the same for us. We can release your album. Physical or digital. We can give you some good advise on saving on costs when pressings cd’s or records. We can get you in touch with designers and merch companies that are good, reliable and affordable. We can give you a hand in doing these things and assist if needed. See us as an extra member of your band. The one that has already looked into everything.
If you wanna work with White Russian in any way, or you want to help out, or get your music released on our label, get in touch, send a message via Facebook, or just send us a traditional email.
– Please do not send us HUGE files. We can hear if your band is good from a stream or mp3, we really don’t need wav files.
– Please do not send us songs that your brother recorded on his mobile phone, while standing outside in a busy street. Those sort of demos are great for your grandparents, not for us. At least try and make a decent first impression.
– We are a punkrock and hardcore label. If you send us Nu-Metal with bagpipes we will not reply. Even though we are very open minded people, keep in mind what our audience is.
– We really fucking hate ska.