
Smash The Statues – Rise To The Occasion – 10″

Original price was: € 8.00.Current price is: € 5.00.

A four track 10″ with amazing etch on side B. Comes with download and lyric sheet!

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Exactly three years after pulling the plug, it turned out the flame was still burning, and Smash The Statues reunited. Eager to hit stages again the band performed different shows throughout 2013, and started writing new material. Four tracks were recorded by -who else- Nico van Montfoort – and will be released as “Rise To The Occasion” on May 1st by a cooperation of labels (White Russian Records / Funtime Records / No Panic Records / Laserlife Records). A portion of the proceeds from the 10” (single sided, with an etched b-side) will be donated to Stichting Gast, showing the band not only still has their trademark sound, but also hasn’t lost their ethics.

Additional information

Weight 500 g